The Last Harvest: MAke Your Way to Lemont Farmers MArket This October
Each year as we get prepped for the Lemont Farmers Market hosted by Aster Gardens, our internal team at the Village of Lemont gets excited about the possibility ahead. Not only does the Lemont Farmers Market provide a weekly event with prepared food and drinks, freshly harvested hyper-local produce, and tons of other treats and goods to discover, it always lifts up a new generation of farmers, makers, and growers who we love to see succeed.
As a last hoorah, we’re ending the Lemont Farmers Market with tons of special treats over the next few weeks. We sat down with Jason Berry, Economic Development Director for the Village of Lemont, to chat about what the market means to him.
KG: I remember how excited you were when Amanda at Aster Gardens suggested bringing the Lemont Farmers Market to Village Green!
JB: It was wonderful. Village Green is in the heart of Lemont Downtown (322 Main Street) and it’s a great space. Over the last few years we’ve been able to add lights, picnic tables, and the community has embraced it. We have yoga on Saturdays hosted by Nicole Schneider, it’s our headquarters for Lemontster Trick-or-Treat and Hometown Holiday, it felt natural that we’d have the Lemont Farmers Market activate the space every Tuesday evening so our community can enjoy it.
KG: What’s your favorite part of the Lemont Farmers Market?
JB: The Farmers! You’ve got so many great stories at each and every booth. Elena [of Raising Sons Microbakery] started making bread for her son who suffered from these great allergies. She’s local to Lemont and now, she’s creating delicious bread that folks can stock up on weekly but also, it’s a great solution for other parents who need clean, safe food for their kids with allergies and dietary restrictions. I love that.
You also have Bruce’s Homemade!
KG: They’re too cool for social!
JB: Yes, way too cool! But he’s picking produce at their peak and jarring it into jams, jellies, butters, and salsa. They’ve got the second best salsa in Dupage County! We’ve tried something new every week and you really only need Raising Sons and Bruce’s Homemade and you’ve got a perfect meal.
Between O.A.K Kitchen and Lock House Garden, you can get potatoes so fresh they still have dirt on them, tomatoes that are perfect with just a little salt and olive oil, and peppers which just make every meal better.
KG: Have the vendors enjoyed the market?
JB: I think it’s really cool how they’ve become friends. The Vulgar Vegan and Fluffy Bites are regulars and have been really supportive. You’ll even find them using each other’s products in their food. Raising Sons has poptarts made with Bruce’s Jelly on the inside.
KG: What should people know about the market?
JB: It’s such a fun way to spend your Tuesday evening. You can shop and hang out for a bit eating your treats or enjoying the music. It’s fun but very relaxed. We’ve put out bubbles for the kids to chase on occassion.
KG: Tire them out after the cupcakes and treats!
JB: Exactly.
Lockhouse Garden Potatoes
KG: What’s most important for you?
JB: This market has really expanded opportunity for a lot of folks. Amanda has been very intentional with the way she’s selected vendors. You’re not getting MLMs, chiropractors, and produce that’s just been bought whole sale. There is a time and place for that.
Every vendor has had a hand in the making of their product. They’ve sown the earth, planted, harvested, crafted, cultivated, and literally, bring it to market and connect with their customers every week. Most of it grown or produced within 1-2 hours of Lemont in Illinois.
You’re getting tomatoes when they’re freshly harvested and not a second before.
The Lemont Farmers Market has been a way for these entrepreneurs to grow. They’re meeting their customers live every week and they’re selling out! It’s nice in the economic recovery post-Covid to see entrepreneurs and small businesses growing. Eventually, we hope they’ll all open up storefronts in Lemont.
KG: I love that! I think people are use to seeing blueberries year round at the Jewel but a fruit or vegetable in its season, sourced locally, is EVERYTHING!
JB: It is! We’re so thankful that Amanda has been so intentional about the vendor she selects and the folks that get it, get it.
KG: Absolutely! Thanks for joining me.
The Last Hoorah
Of course, we had to make the final two markets special, join us for these special surprises as we wrap up the 2024 Lemont Farmers Market season.
Tuesday, October 8 + Tuesday, October 15
🥦 Live Music (on October 15 Only)
🥦 Free T-Shirts when you subscribe the LFM Weekly Newsletter
🥦 Share a Photo of Your 10/8 or 10/15 Haul with @LemontDowtown and @LemontFarmersMarket on Instagram and be entered to win a $50 Lemont Downtown Gift Card
🥦 Vendors Include:
Pollyanna Social + Pollyanna Brewing
Spira Farms
Lock House Garden
Soaps by Abby
Fluffy Bites
Raising Sons Microbakery
Bruce’s Homemade
Jack Spice
The Vulgar Vegan
Purely Baked Goods
New Vendor: Emerald Cup
🥦 Join the Parade: Take a Selfie with LeMontsers on Parade Art Installation
Between and November 5, 2024, upload a photo of you and a LeMontster on display at Village Green, 322 Main Street, Lemont, IL and you'll be entered to win 1 of 4 - $50.00 Lemont Downtown Gift Cards, available to use at 15+ locations around Lemont Downtown. Submit Your Selfie Here