Meet Your New Neighbor: Arlo.Hendrix Lands in Lemont
Brittany Sabatino, founder of Arlo.Hendrix, and her family | Photo Courtesy of Brittany Sabotino
We all want the very best for our kids – they are kids for 18 years and adults for much longer who go out into the world, make decisions, and become functioning members of society. As good parents, we always want to do anything we can to support them while still making the time to pursue our dreams and passions.
For Brittany Sabatino, her love for her children helped her tap into her passion for retail and fashion which runs in her blood.
As her children’s boutique, Arlo.Hendrix Kids opens a second location in Lemont Downtown, we wanted to sit down with Brittany to learn more about her business, her mission, and the inspiration behind it all.
Christmas PJs on sale in the Arlo Hendrix Lemont Downtown location
KG: Owning a boutique is a dream of so many. How did Arlo.Hendrix come to be?
BS: I always knew that I would have a career in retail. I’d watch my grandma sew clothes growing up and together, we’d make dresses from my American Girl Dolls. I’m the youngest of 5 kids but I was very much raised as an only child since there was a huge gap between us kids. I’d model as a young child and my Mom turned her love for all of the kids' clothes and fashion into a children’s boutique located in Downtown Elmhurst.
My mother and grandmother were at the store every day. It was my first and only job throughout high school and college and while some days I was just hanging out at the shop with my family, my Mom would also take me on buying trips for the boutique so I get to see the full process.
Fast forward through college, I majored in fashion merchandising and worked for H&M for years. I then transitioned to a very male-dominated tech and automotive industry as I was starting my family. It was extremely taxing. I couldn’t find the time to go to the bathroom or eat a granola bar so I gave myself an expiration date: by April 2019, I had to figure out how to make money for my family.
KG: I’ve been there! Tell me how Arlo inspired your business.
Arlo - Photo Courtesy of the Sabatino family
BS: My roots were in this fashion space and my son, Arlo Hendrix — named after amazing rockstars Arlo Guthrie and Jimmy Hendrix — is incredibly sensitive to fabrics. On top of that, I came to know how many toxic chemicals can be laced through children’s clothing. I started making clothes for him.
Now, I’m definitely a mom who has a budget and my kid still wears items from the big box stores. I wanted to create a sustainability-sourced, kid-friendly boutique with affordable options. This isn’t the place where you’ll find a $60 onesie or $200 sweater for a toddler whose favorite pastime is playing in the rocks and dirt.
KG: Yes, I have one of those toddlers and I completely agree! We need affordable things that can become their new favorite PJs or sweaters to wear to school.
BS: It also gives them an option to express themselves. Arlo.Hendrix is full of items that can elevate his wardrobe just that much.
I make about 40-50% of the clothing that you’ll see in stores. The rest of the brands I’ve researched at length so you know that it is soft to the touch, made from good fabrics like organic cotton and bamboo, and can withstand life as a kid. These are clothes they can play in, get messy, and wash easily.
A popular lavendar daisy print sweater from Arlo.Hendrix | Photo courtesy of Arlo Hendrix
KG: I love that so much. What drew you to Lemont for your next location?
BS: It’s not hard to fall in love with Lemont. It’s the sweetest town. On our first trip, we walked around, ate at Wooden Paddle, and shopped at Mabel’s Market. When Sommer Steele [of Mabel’s Market and Three Stories Books] sought me out to join a space in her shop, I knew that it would be perfect for the business.
KG: That’s a perfect collab. What else can we expect from the partnership?
BS: In our Batavia location, we have a DIY bracelet bar. It became this thing because kids could wear their bracelets to school and know Mom, Dad, and all of their grown-ups were with them. You’ll see us hosting story time with Three Stories and joining in on even more fun around town. We really love how community-focused Lemont is and are so excited to be the newest neighbor!
Arlo.Hendrix is open now in Three Stories Books at 310 Canal Street. Stop by for gifts or to elevate your child’s wardrobe this fall. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook or shop online at